Chartered by the Branford VFW, Supported by the Branford Gun Club
Senior Patrol Leader
Shane S
The senior patrol leader (SPL) is elected by all Patrols to represent them as the top youth leader in the troop. He runs all troop meetings, events, activities, the annual program planning conference, and the patrol leaders’ council meeting. He works directly with elected Patrol Leaders to ensure plans are being carried out and seeks the advice and counsel of the Scoutmaster when required. To be the Senior Patrol Leader the scout must have held a leadership position (PL) and be at least the rank of Tenderfoot.
6 month term (*PLC Member)

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Bella A
The ASPL is appointed by the Senior Patrol Leader. In addition to filling infor the SPL when he is not available, all positions outside patrol leaders report to him. As part of his weekly duties, he needs to communicate with the quartermaster, webmaster, scribe, bugler, historian, librarian to ensure they are completing their tasks and ready for the next event. The ASPL then relays status to the SPL
6 month term (*PLC Member)
Cain K
The patrol leader is the elected leader of his patrol. He attends and represents his patrol on the patrol leaders’ council meetings and appoints the assistant patrol leader. His role is to ensure his patrol carries out the plans according to the Weekly Meeting Planner or Campout Planner forms and bring the concerns of his patrol to the Senior Patrol leader.
6 month term. (*PLC Member)

Troop Guide
Shane S
Troop guides serve as both a leader and a mentor to the members of the new-Scout patrol or other younger scouts as required.
The troop guide helps the patrol leader of the new-Scout patrol lead their patrol, so they can develop into a well-functioning group, working together harmoniously and productively. He does this by performing the following:
guides new Scouts from harassment by older Scouts
helps new Scouts towards earning the First Class rank
teaches basic Scout skills
coaches the patrol leader of the new-Scout patrol on his duties
works with the patrol leader at patrol leaders’ council meetings
attends patrol leaders’ council meetings with the patrol leader of the new-Scout patrol
counsels individuals Scouts on Scouting challenges
sets a good example
wears the Scout uniform correctly
lives by the Scout Oath and Law
shows Scout spirit
6 month term (*PLC Member)

Nuclear Poptart Patrol
Evan G
The patrol leader is the elected leader of his patrol. He attends and represents his patrol on the patrol leaders’ council meetings and appoints the assistant patrol leader. His role is to ensure his patrol carries out the plans according to the Weekly Meeting Planner or Campout Planner forms and bring the concerns of his patrol to the Senior Patrol leader.
6 month term. (*PLC Member)
Mystic Turtles
Mia L
The patrol leader is the elected leader of his patrol. He attends and represents his patrol on the patrol leaders’ council meetings and appoints the assistant patrol leader. His role is to ensure his patrol carries out the plans according to the Weekly Meeting Planner or Campout Planner forms and bring the concerns of his patrol to the Senior Patrol leader.
6 month term. (*PLC Member)

6 Month Term​
The Troop Scribe plays an important role in keeping the troop plans on track. The scribe is a member of the Patrol Leader Council and is tasked for taking all, notes during PLC meetings as well as during weekly meeting. Needless to say, the scribe's work helps keep peace and organization.
Camille D
6 Month Term
The quartermaster keeps track of troop equipment and sees that it is in good working order. He keeps records on patrol and troop equipment, makes sure equipment is in good working condition, and issues equipment and makes sure it is returned in good condition. Will include extra meetings before or after camp outs to inventory and sort equipment.
6 month term.

Nicholas A
Maintains the posts on the troop website. Must have some experience with the internet and a capacity for learning how to update and manage the troop website with maturity and accuracy. Must have an interview by the Scoutmaster and must work together with an assigned adult leader. This is an important position and requires a lot of work on the part of the Scout to keep up with the effort necessary to be a webmaster. The reward is that the Scout may gain valuable knowledge useful to him in the future. The webmaster will interact closely with the Historian to gather pictures to be posted on the website.
6 month term
Teddy D
The Bugler should be able to make appropriate BSA bugle calls, as requested, at troop activities. The bugler must own and bring with him when requested by the (SPL) or scoutmaster, a bugle, trumpet or cornet. The Bugler is responsible for waking the troop up at overnight outdoor events such as weekend camping or summer camp and playing the appropriate bugle call at ceremonies. The troop bugler does not have to be the best horn player in the world but he does have to do his very best to play the BSA bugle calls as part of his responsibilities.
6 month term

Dante A
The Historian preserves troop photographs, news stories, trophies, the Troop Flags, scrapbooks, awards, and other memorabilia. The historian is required to maintain and carry with him at all times a digital camera to all troop functions so he can take photos to document our history.
6 month term
Marco A
The librarian oversees the care and use of troop Merit Badge books, pamphlets, magazines, audiovisuals, and merit badge counselor lists.
6 month term

Chaplain aid
Evan G
Troops's Chaplain aid is responsible to ensure prayer is integrated into our events. In addition to leading services on campouts and formal ceremonies, he is also responsible to understand religious days of observation to ensure troop events are planned around them
6 Month Term